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  1. 近五年来成果包括:专著:《写作、科研与礼仪规则》, 云南大学出版社,2017

  2. 译著:《雾都伦敦》,社科文献出版社,2019

  3. 译作:威廉·莫里斯论英国当下之艺术与工艺,载于《英国研究》第 13 辑,上海人民出版社,2020

  4. 译作:《有用的工作与无用的劳碌》,载于《英国研究》第 15 辑,上海人民出版社,2021

  5. 译审:《中国文化要览》,云南民族出版社,2021

  6. 译著:《奔腾不羁——雨河岸海塑造下的亚洲史》(拟于 2022 年底在广东人民出版社出版)

  7. 即将在《英国研究》发表两篇译作:(1)出版垄断;又或是,剥削劳动力之方式;(2)富豪治下之艺术。




五、博士论文简介 (获博士学位教师填写)

题目: Jeremiad and American Culture

提要: [Abstract] Jeremiad, a mode of preaching often found in the Old Testament of Bible, had long been practised by most Christian churches in Western Europe since Christianitys inception, but had become more pragmatic and popularly accepted by Puritans first and then by its believers in north American colonies after the Mayflower journey. As Jeremiad was inculcated and internalized in the Puritanism which laid a firm ground in the American culture, the north American colonies rise to an intellectual nation had drawn special and indispensable power from and energized with it. This thesis attempts to demonstrate that (1) Jeremiad as an internalized mores and mind was found in the western European church sermons but was frequently preached by the American Puritans who intended to purify the north American colonial people in their way to conquering the wilderness; (2) Puritanism in relation to Jeremiad gave not only full play to the Americans movements such as the West Expansion in the American history, which was revealed in the Ideas of the West, but also enhanced the American intellectual thoughts which helped shape the American as a nation; (3) Jeremiad, minute aspect of the American culture as it is, takes an essential and significant part in the founding of and identifying the United States of America from the rest of the world both nationally and intellectually. In the final analysis, the thesis indicates that Jeremiad, either as a mode of preaching in the American history or as a cultural scene in reality of the US formation, functions greatly and is to be further studied.

[Keywords] : mode of preaching; intellectual thoughts; the US formation
