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王凤玲(1979.7——),女,汉族,中共党员,博士。必赢626net入口必赢626net入口大学英语第一教研部讲师,硕导。博士毕业于泰国苏南拉里理工大学(Surranaree University of Technology) 英语语言研究专业,研究生毕业于云南师范大学,分别获得英语语言文学硕士和汉语国际教育硕士,本科毕业于云南师范大学英语教育专业。





















[1] 王凤玲. 翻译硕士(MTI)实践报告的宏观语篇组织结构——基于语料库的体裁分析. 汉字文化,2022(10).

[2]Wang,F.,& Issra, P. (2021). Attitude in abstract: stance expression in Translation Practice Report and Interpretation Practice Report by Chinese students, Discourse and Interaction,14(1):100-123. (国际核刊Scopus收录)

[3]王凤玲.翻译硕士(MTI)论文写作状况调查及对教学的启示——以西南某高校为例. 英语广场,2020(10),50-55.

[4]Zhang, Y., Wang, F., & Wannaruk, A. (2019). Pragmatic Competence in Business Context: A Case Study of Thai EFL University Students, Suranaree Journal of Social Science, 13 (2), 1-24.(国际核刊)

[5]王凤玲. “母亲缺席”下的身份缺失——莫里森《仁慈》中主体身份缺失探讨. 时代文学(下半月),2014(12),51-53.


2022 年必赢626net入口课程思政教学比赛特等奖;




题目:Corpus-based Genre Analysis of Master of Translation and Interpretation Practice Report in China: Comparative Move and Stance Investigation Between Translation Practice Report and Interpretation Practice Report

提要:The Master of Translation and Interpretation (MTI) Practice Report, consisting of the Translation Practice Report (TPR) and the Interpretation Practice Report (IPR), is the degree thesis for the MTI program in China. As a newly emerging type of reporting genre, it has caused problems to the students and teachers in the MTI field in the aspects of the discourse structures and the use of stance. The current study, drawing on the corpus-based approach, aimed to explore at the macro-level the discourse structures of the TPR and the IPR, to investigate at the micro-level the use of stance in the TPR and the IPR, and to probe the disciplinary variations at these two levels between the TPR and the IPR, respectively.

A set of specialized corpora that aimed to reach the maximum representativeness were systematically compiled by sampling 60 MTI Practice Reports (30 TPRs and 30 IPRs, respectively). Employing the corpus-based move analysis by Biber et. al (2007), the stance framework in the interaction model by Hyland (2005), the investigation at the two levels was respectively conducted by triangulating the interviews with the insider informants.

The results of the move analysis revealed 29 moves and 84 steps identified in the 6 organizational units of the TPR and the IPR, which were proposed for the discourse structures for the MTI Practice Report. The findings from the corpus-based stance investigation disclosed a genre-specific convention in utilizing the four categories of stance in both of the TPR and the IPR. Besides, the discipline-specific variations in terms of the move and the stance in each of the six units were found due to the different disciplinary conventions and practice between the two closely related subdisciplines. Meanwhile, the data from the interviews provided the additional insights into the research findings obtained in these two levels.

This study has the theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical implications on the research of the reporting genre in the genre analysis field and the instruction of the MTI Practice Report in China.